Data recovery by ransomware attack

Professional cyber recovery service to restore your data in the event of a ransomware attack (data encryption). Our specialists assess the extent of the damage caused by the attack and work with you to determine the best course of action to get your data back as quickly as possible.

Cyber Recovery in 4 main steps

Our main goal is to make things simple and fast. Restoring your data after a Ransomware attack is divided into 4 main steps.

How a Ransomware attack works and risks to victims' data

Cybercrime has become a permanent threat to businesses and organizations. It is no longer a question of whether you will be attacked, but when.

Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to data by encrypting or locking it until a ransom is paid to unlock it.

Hackers target all types of organizations, including the private sector, local communities and government agencies.

Stage 1: Infecting the organization

One of the main ways to get infected is through infected links or attachments in emails (often sent by scammers). Users may also be tricked into downloading them by visiting application or software download sites or by clicking on pop-up ads.

Step 2: data encryption

The time it takes to encrypt files largely depends on the encryption method chosen. The encryption operation is slow. It can go unnoticed until it's too late, especially if the cybercriminals launched the ransomware attack outside of business hours, such as at night or on weekends. The ciphers used are almost impossible to break.

Step 3: data theft

Very often, attackers choose in addition to encryption, to steal as much sensitive data as possible. By threatening victims to post sensitive data online, attackers can force them to pay rather than restore from backups.

Step 4: analysis of stolen data

Recently, attackers in addition to stealing data and encrypting data analyze the stolen content. The objective is to extort the victims by threatening them, for example, to resell confidential information to competitors, to transmit accounting information to the tax authorities, to inform of a possible agreement between competitors, etc.

Why is a specialised cyber recovery service necessary in the event of a ransomware attack?

With the increase in ransomware attacks and the emergence of new types of malware, organizations face increasing challenges.

Faced with never-ending cybercrime and indiscriminate and complex ransomware attacks, SOS Data Recovery offers solutions to organizations (companies, government agencies, local communities, etc.) that fall victim to them.

Unlike the Cyber Security service, which acts upstream of the failure, Cyber Recovery is a data recovery service that intervenes after a ransomware attack.

As a data recovery specialist, it is natural that we help you to recover your files, to restore your data. Even if the backups were affected by the attack. SOS Data Recovery will do the maximum to help you recover your data quickly and easily. The key to this is adhering to data recovery best practices.

Costs and prices

The analysis of your media that has been affected by the ransomware is free. Once this analysis has been completed, we will be able to provide you with a free quote.

If you would like information about the possible data recovery costs that may result from the free analysis, please contact us directly. As each situation is different (encrypted or not, encrypted or not, deleted backups, etc.) it is not possible for us to give you a cost without a pre-analysis.

Need advice? Please contact us!

Insurance in case of loss of your data

Most insurance companies now offer coverage for data recovery costs through new insurance policies/modules, whether for legal entities or individuals. This development in the insurance field allows policyholders to benefit from protection in case of data loss on computer systems. However, it is important to note that this coverage often depends on certain criteria, particularly the requirement that the data recovery company is based in Switzerland.

Depending on the coverage provided by your insurance, whether it's home insurance or property insurance, it is possible that a portion or even the entire cost of data recovery may be covered by your insurance. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully review the terms of your insurance contract to understand the specific details of this coverage. We are happy to assist you in these steps.

In the specific case of your liability insurance (RC), it is possible for it to cover the costs if you are responsible for the loss of data that could cause harm to others. For example, if you hold a financial position within a football club, the loss of data related to that club could have damaging consequences for the parties involved. In such a situation, your liability insurance could indemnify you by reimbursing the costs of data recovery incurred.

It is important to understand that each insurance company has its own conditions and criteria for covering data recovery costs. Therefore, we are happy to assist you in the administrative process to provide your insurer with all the necessary information for their decision-making.

Below you will find a list of insurance companies that cover the risk of data loss on computer media :

Axa Winterthur
Bâloise Assurances
la Mobilière

We are pleased to contact your insurer to verify if your insurance policy covers the costs of data recovery.

To do so, we invite you to contact us at the following number: . Our team will be happy to handle this task by directly communicating with your insurer.

If you prefer to communicate in writing, you can also reach us by email at . Please provide us with the details of your insurance, including the name of the insurance company and the policy number. We will use this information to get in touch with your insurer and initiate the necessary procedures.